He continued: 'They’re inexpensive and well made, but because records are heavy, we needed to reinforce the glass shelves they come with for something that can bear the weight.' 'To make this happen, we needed a place to stash our vinyl collection, and after painting the room Benjamin Moore Kendall Charcoal, we finally assembled an IKEA Vittsjo unit that was originally intended for our future kitchen renovation.' 'We knew this would be our funny little room to play our records, read a good book and hang with the pets. With 13.(Image credit: This creative and super-stylish IKEA vinyl storage hack found the perfect balance of prettiness and practicality. Each rack holds about 25 single vinyl records, so the LP holder set of 2 offers ample space for up to 50 vinyls in total. Ready to handle your valuable vinyl collection – super sturdy & spacious: The storage racks provide a robust metal construction making them a durable storage option for your vinyls. The clever wall mount holder makes it easy to make the most out of your available space at home! Keep everything neat, tidy and off the ground and shelves, while adding a special decor to your walls. Custom Design WMB G4 Wall Mounted Turntable/HiFi Shelf. Unique wall art & record album storage in one! Extremely easy & space-saving installation on walls: The mounting of the vinyl storage racks is super simple! All necessary mounting screws and metal drywall anchors are included – for a solid installation on walls and drywalls. Wall-mounted turntable shelves are an ideal space-saving, sound-enhancing solution to displaying and storing your high quality record player. The black farmhouse record holder for albums gives your favorite vinyls a beautiful and well organized home, which also looks great on your walls! Some album covers are literally made to be displayed in a beautiful way – several illustrations even have an iconic status! Use the vinyl record storage to conveniently sort and organize your vinyls, all while creating a fantastic way to showcase them in the way they deserve.

ZICOTO Vinyl Holder Set of 2 – Perfect to organize, store &display your vinyls. Buy Now Save to Wish List This vinyl wall mount shelf is sold for just 19 on Amazon, so not only is it affordable, but it’s super renter-friendly, too. WARNING tipping hazard For cabinets higher than 70 cm. top panel 2 970.97 Cabinet, music, console, record player, speaker, record holder 3. Sanded, matte black finish - H 73 cm x W 90 cm x D 41 cm Music lovers take note: the Jackson record shelf, from the collection by Dutch interior design label George. Rack, wearing apparel, 6 hangers wall mounted 3. SKU: zic-vinylrack2-69 – GTIN 05060669270720 The shelves are designed to accompany a wall-mounted television.Sturdy & Space-Saving Wall Storage: You can fully rely on the durable vinyl record storage shelf, with its solid construction, to take good care of your records – while making the most out of your available space at home, thanks to the wall mounted storage.Add Beautiful Farmhouse Charm To Your Decor: The minimalist, black design of the metal vinyl record storage holder is a great way to combine functional album storage for vinyl records with a cute farmhouse look – store & display your vinyls in style!.
Super Easy To Install – Mounting Hardware Incl.: You’ll have the vinyl storage set wall mounted in no time! Mounting screws & metal drywall anchors for a solid installation of each record holder on walls and drywalls are included.Extremely Spacious – For Up To 50 Single Records: Have your favorite records always available & quick at hand! Your 12” single records fit perfectly in the 13.5x7圆” vinyl rack and each vinyl holder offers ample space for 25 records.Perfect To Store & Display Your Favorite Vinyls: The stylish black vinyl record holder set of 2 is a must-have for music enthusiasts & vinyl collectors! Conveniently sort & organize your records and display the most iconic album covers – unique wall art & LP storage in ONE.